Monday, January 21, 2013

Reflection #1: Who's Your Favorite Superhero?

I was never really into the superhero genre as a child. Of course I knew who Superman and Spiderman were, but I never knew a lot about them. Then one day I walked into the family room and saw my dad watching a Batman movie. It was Batman Forever where Jim Carrey plays The Riddler. I sat down next to him just soaking in everything I was watching. I was amazed that I had never seen anything like that before. That's when I started paying more attention to Superheroes.

My favorite one from that day on would have to be Batman. Not only do I like him because his movie was the first one I saw, I also like him because he's easy to relate to. He doesn't have any super powers which makes him seem like a regular human being, but he has amazing fighting skills and super cool gadgets. I've wanted my own utility belt since the first time I saw him use it.

His villains are also some of my favorite. Because my first experience of Batman was in Batman Forever, I've grown to really like Two Face. But back to Batman.

Batman always knew what was right. In the new trilogy that was made, no one in Gotham really appreciated what he did for the city and called him a menace. Yes, his methods were a little different, but he was on the same side as the police and only Commissioner Gordon saw that in him.

When thinking "What Would Batman Do?" I definitely wouldn't do as he did. I wouldn't dress up in a cape and stalk the bad guys in the dead of night. I wouldn't use his methods, but I would use his thinking. People who do wrong things, shouldn't get away with it. Batman always confronts the villains, he doesn't hide from them hoping they'll just go away on their own. Knowing that, I confront people when I have an issue with them. A lot of people are scared on confrontation, but Batman is not like a lot of people.

Since growing up and talking about the Batman movie that started my interest, I've realized that a lot of people don't like Batman Forever or Batman and Robin. I know they're not the best, but I love watching them because they bring me back to my childhood. To the day when my dad was watching them on TV and introduced me to all of the characters in the movie. Thanks, Dad, for bringing me into the world of superheroes.


  1. Some of the first exposure to superheroes that I can remember was also "Batman Forever" with Jim Carrey as the Riddler. (Not that my mom would want me watching it but my older brothers sure didn't mind.)

    That is besides the point though. I was reading "Supergods" tonight when it came upon me, as you wrote, that Batman is easier than most superheroes to relate to as he a mortal being with no actual superpowers just like the rest of us.

    I can't believe I had never actually thought about him having no actual superpowers until tonight. Perhaps it's just because he is so spectacular in his actions.

    1. It is definitely easy to forget that fact sometimes, for precisely the reason you mention!

  2. That pretty cool how you can actually remember your first introduction to superheros and that your father introduce them to you. I can not seem to remember my introduction to superheroes. All that I know is that one day there was a Superman's sticker on my wall and that I wanted to be just like him.

  3. Confronting our problems is definitely something Batman can help us do better with. Although they might not be critically regarded as good, I also like Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. There are so many different versions of the heroes, and so these movies can definitely inspire positive things as well.

  4. I can also remember watching Batman Forever with my dad as a child. Still to this day, we always sit down and watch it when it is on TV and I have been able to introduce it to my younger siblings. The villains are also some of my favorite Batman characters.
