Monday, January 28, 2013

Reflection #2

Superheroes have a lot of moral codes they need to follow. If they killed the bad guys, instead of just bringing justice, they'd have the making of a super villain. Super villains are they ones who work for their own benefit and they break any rules they need to to get what they want. They work for their own self interest, which is why we have superheroes to react to what they villains are causing.

Along with talking about morals, in class, we talked about a superheroes secret identity and whether it's necessary to have one or not. It protects the people you love, but what happens when the people you love find out you're a superhero? They'll start to wonder if there are any other secrets you could be hiding from them. A superhero also uses the identity to protect themselves. They don't want to trust someone who would go around telling people that they know Batman or Spiderman. They also have to be careful about how a person would react around their superhero identity. If they got hurt or captured, a loved one would be more likely to get upset than just some random person on the street. When it all comes down to it, the superhero has to decide whether or not to tell anyone who they really are.

Superheros aren't the only ones with multiple identities. We all have them. I'm not saying we all go by different names but different personalities. Many of us act one way around our family, a different way around our teachers, and a different way around our friends. It's not a complete personality change, but we may be quieter or more outgoing depending on who we are with and how comfortable we are with them. I'm definitely quieter when I'm out of my comfort zone where other people's nervousness may cause them to talk a lot more. We all act differently depending on who we are and the situation.


  1. I agree with where you said that a superhero uses their secret identity to protect themselves. It makes me wonder and think about if we have our separate identities to protect ourselves.

  2. I liked that you pointed out that superheroes would have the making of a supervillain if they killed the bad guys. I never really thought of it that way. If I was a superhero I would have a hard time making the decision whether or not to tell loved ones about my other life. If I told my loved ones that I was a superhero I wouldn't feel like I was sneaking around but then again they would probably be worried sick about me all the time.
