Monday, February 4, 2013

Reflection #3

This week, we are to reflect on anything and I'm going to talk about a couple things that are different in my every day life since taking this course. First, superheroes have taken over almost all of my conversations. I can't talk to someone without bringing up something I read in one of the books or the articles we have to read for class. Last Friday night, I stayed up with one of my sorority sisters until about 2:00 am talking about superheroes and morality. Superheroes are almost all I can think about now. It's definitely taking over my life.

Second, since studying the different superheros, and reading this opinion in an article, I've come to find Superman to be my least favorite hero. I know he was the first, and without him we wouldn't be where we are today, but he's almost too perfect. Nothing could stop him and he always won. I haven't read too many of his comics before, but from what I know he's not that interesting. I find his personality to be a bit bland.

Last, I used to like DC heroes more than Marvel, because of Batman, and Batman is still my favorite, but, overall, I like the Marvel Universe better. It seams more realistic. Not just the cities, but the superheroes act how I think superheroes should. They can't be perfect, like Superman, all the time. Each one has their faults, which makes them easy to relate to. Any problem you have, whether it be with family or the loss of a loved one, there is a Marvel superhero there to help you through it.


  1. It's great to have conversations outside of class, especially deep and philosophical ones, that pertain to class material. It allows you to develop thoughts you wouldn't have thought originally. I see what you're saying about Superman. I approached him with an open mind but I'm finding him to be too good. Clark Kent's weaker personality and less assertive self make for some sort of conflict but I wish it was a little deeper maybe? I haven't quite identified why I'm less attracted to Superman yet, maybe through some deep philosophical conversation outside of class I'll be able to figure it out.

  2. I've always felt the same way, in both respects, that Superman in overpowered and the Marvel universe is easier to relate to. Before this class, I knew just the surface details about Superman, mostly because neither my parents nor my brother was interested in him as a hero which meant I wasn't exposed to it. Also, he's just too powerful and, to me at least, most of what is introduced throughout different story lines (like Kryptonite) are just unnecessary plot devices. I've always been more a fan of Marvel because the characters have struggles that we as "normal" people can relate to, not that I don't love a good Batman story.

  3. I totally agree that marvel is better than DC. I also agree that superman is too powerful. There is just too much retcon in his storyline. Whenever there is a weakness superman somehow finds a way to beat it with little struggle. I understand that he is the first hero, similar to the first grandchild getting all the praise, but enough is enough. I also feel that it is easier to relate to marvel, possibly because there are so many superheroes, but mainly because their comics as a whole seem more real due to the fact that the ones we have been studying the most were once human and also have problems we come across on an everyday basis.

  4. I think it is great that the course has inspired you to have conversations about the material outside of class! Your comment about Superman is interesting as well, as it shows that sometimes the flawed characters can be more relatable because of those flaws.
