Monday, April 15, 2013

Reflection #11

I believe the coach says that he should leave the team because he's "different," referring to what the kid yelled at Thom in the parking lot. I would have been extremely upset. I would hate to be kicked out of doing something I love to do because of my sexual orientation. I got upset just reading it! I know my parents wouldn't just sit by and watch this happen. I know my mom would be meeting with the principal and making a ton of commotion. She would also tell anyone who would be willing to listen. That's the way she is.

Ruth is right when she says "Don't wait." He needs to be honest with who he is and stop hiding from the world. I actually am waiting on something. Not to make me happy, but happier. My boyfriend and I live about 9 hours apart and he came down to visit this weekend for Alpha Xi formal. With every visit, it gets harder and harder to say goodbye. I'm waiting to be done with college so finally he and I can at least live in the same state, hopefully not very far apart at all. I know I can't be with him all the time. People always ask why I chose to be in such a long distance relationship and my answer is always the same. Because he's worth it. I'd rather be in a long distance relationship with him than be with any other person. I know I can't be with him all the time, but that's out of my control. I have to finish school and so does he because it will be better for us in the future. There's no point in being sad all the time.

Having a huge crowd cheering for you doesn't happen to a lot of people. That's why it is so desirable. I have had this happen to me and it felt awesome. I was in the musical "Jesus Christ: Superstar" and there is only one female lead in that show. I was lucky enough to get it out of all of the other senior girls. At the end of the show when I came out for my bow, people started cheering like crazy! It made me feel like I really did deserve the role, even when the other girls said I didn't. I gained a lot of confidence. I knew that if they tried to say anything negative about my performance, they were wrong. I had a whole theater full of people clapping for me each night. It was nice to know that I am talented enough for a lead role.

I think it is possible, but my definition of the "perfect first kiss" is much different than others. I think I had one of the best first kisses ever, but I know others wouldn't agree at all. It was my junior year of high school and I was dating my best friend Matt. I will admit, it was weird because we were such good friends. We were celebrating Valentine's Day late because I was out of town so he came over and we exchanged gifts. I don't even remember what I gave him, but he gave me the first two seasons of M*A*S*H. Romantic, right? That would be awesome if I've ever seen the show before, but I opened it and didn't even know what it was at first. We watched it for a bit (sitting in separate chairs) and then he had to go home. I walked him to the door and before he goes he says, "I have another gift for you, but I'm really nervous about it." That's when I knew what was about to happen, but he wouldn't stop talking! "Okay. Here it goes." He leaned in and kissed me. A very short peck. He pulled away and said, "I'm sorry. That was really bad." I told him to shut up or something like that and he left. I think it gave me a hilarious story to tell. That's why I think it's  the perfect first kiss.

I've definitely had crushes on famous figures before. I haven't really had a steady one though. It always kindof changed throughout the years. I think we have crushes like this because we see them as perfect and we want to date someone who's perfect. That's how it was for me, at least. My celebrity crushes have almost always been actors. Probably because I loved theater and acting. I admired them for their talent as well as their looks. I've also found that I really like characters. I love Tony Stark. Not Robert Downey Jr., but Tony Stark. There is a difference.


  1. Thats awesome you got to experience the huge crowd of people cheering for you. That makes me recall an experience from grade school when I was one of the munchkins in The Wizard of

  2. 9 hours is quite the drive! As long as both of you are happy and you can see the light (being able to live closer someday soon) then I think that's great. You're lucky that he could make it here for a visit. I did a long distance relationship a few years ago and it was not easy, especially because we went from living in the same town, to being 5 hours apart - not near as bad as 9.
    I think having a first kiss with a good friend is always special even if the two of you don't have any stronger feelings than that of friendship. It will be something you always remember and you want it to be with someone you can look back on and smile about!

  3. Being a lead in a show is one of the best feelings ever. When you come out for that bow and people are standing and cheering. Nothing beats that feeling. Your first kiss story is great! Mine was pretty awkward to. I also love the present he gave you!
