Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reflection #9

1.   I'm not too sure about the material, but I do know that most of my skin would be covered. I would not be one of those female superheroes who run around in a bathing suit. Also, it's not safe to have all of that exposed skin! You need the costume for protection. I would definitely wear a mask. It protects your identity and sometimes being anonymous is the best part! I would also have a shield like Captain America. I think it's a really cool idea and it can be used in many ways.

2.   This isn't a problem in our town as a whole, but mostly at the high school. People put others down all the time. There's so much judgement between all of the students. I would go to those who have been hurt by other students and leave them a note or gift to lift their spirits and let them know that they are a worth-while human being. I love random acts of kindness, especially when no one know's who did them. I would also leave notes to those who are rude and try to persuade them to change their attitude towards people. Maybe even show them how hurtful they're being towards another person.

3.   I most relate to Zetaman and Apocalypse Meow. They mainly spend their time helping those who are less fortunate. They're making the world a better place one act of kindness at a time and I believe that that's inspiring. We need more people who do purely good things in this world.


  1. I would agree with you about relating to Zetaman and Apocalypse Meow. Despite their names, I feel like they are making an impact on the world in reasonable ways, but just doing it by wearing their costumes. My fraternity loves to give back to the community that allows us to be here, so I always enjoy helping those who are in need. Not only do you feel better about yourself, but you are also helping make someones day better by going out of your way and helping them out.

  2. I completely agree with you about the outfit, I don't feel like women in comics are reasonably attired considering the amount of danger being a superhero would bring. You would want an outfit that protects you (unless, I suppose, you yourself are indestructible).

    I too think that the random kindness acts are more relatable. I really liked what Zetaman and Apocalypse Meow did. They didn't necessarily put themselves in danger all of the time, but they were still heroes and definitely inspired people.

  3. Helping those in high school,and even younger kids, isn't something I would have thought of, but it's a great idea! Bullying and such has become a huge problem, in this country especially, and I would like to see something like that actually being tried in schools.

  4. Showing concern for those being bullied in school is a great idea that I wouln't have thought of. With the help coming from another student, the "victim" in this case would most likely respond better than say an authority figure helping them out; parents just don't understand what kids go through because they're not there to witness it or the kid(s) don't want to talk about it to their parents.
